
Find us in one of the 3 offices of the Office de Tourisme :

Bureau d’Argenton

13. Place de la République

02 54 24 05 30

Bureau d’Eguzon

3 rue George Sand

02 54 47 43 69

Bureau de Saint Gaultier

31 rue Grande

02 54 47 14 36

You can also fill this quick form and we will contact you as soon as we can:


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* Champs obligatoires

The information collected on this form are subjected to data gathering for the Communauté de communes de la Vallée de la Creuse to enter them in its Prospects-Clients database for commercial prospection and quality tracking of its services. They will be kept for 3 years and are exclusively destined to the Communauté de communes de la Vallée de la Creuse. According to the European regulation on the protection of personal data and to the « informatique et libertés » law, you may apply your right of access, of rectification or de removal at any given moment by contacting us using the following adress :

See our Politique de confidentialité